Monday, November 15, 2010

Finals week,

so that means this exactly : I won't update after this for a week or two, and then there will be a flood of updates of all the projects I finished and submitted, as well as what I'm going to be doing next, hopefully it will be a productive break.

Monday, November 8, 2010


The time has come again for me to lose my mind, and it isn't helping that I've been releasing almost every fluid in my body out of my nose due to this damn cold I seem to have picked up somewhere. Damn school. Anyway, the midterms for digital coloring are coming up again, so you know more crazy stupid ideas of starting things from scratch and redoing them a million times is in order.

This time I felt especially stupid, and wanted to do a scene of Medusa, I just threw Perseus in there for some dynamics. Though, I didn't really want to play Medusa off as so much a monster than just as a bad ass who just  stands around her home in dramatic poses, even though the only people looking at her are her assortment of crazy screaming stone men.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So, we got to start working in Corel Painter today, I am still totally lost but I do know where the crayon brush is so that has been keeping me entertained for about all of class time. I also got a pretty decent idea for my final digital coloring class final. Medusa, say what!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

DAVEY JONES and trannies

So, I finished, sort of, my next two pages. There are still some things with that I need to rework, mainly the text and text bubbles etc. All that is just a simple fix in the good ol' photoshop. Seriously, I don't know what I'd do without photoshop it could cure ills if it were a real being. It is the Florence Nightingale of computer programs....anyhow hopefully I can make enough of these to put into a decently sized mini comic to pawn off on people eventually. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Starfish comic updatesssssssss........I've officially lost my mind!

Okay, so I was only supposed to do one comic for Monday's class, but since I'm a bit insane I did two, and started on the third last night at 6AM. Yes, I was awake at the ungodly hour, well I hadn't gone to sleep and came up with some really silly stupid ideas for this comic, which I plan to do all of them within the next few weeks. Everyone is complaining that there isn't enough time to do all of them, but I guess my style for the comic is simple enough that I can whip this stuff out in an hour or two, or as a result of some horrible abomination, I am a working MACHINE. Anyhow, I am enjoying myself a bit too much with this assignment, so hopefully others will as well.
Oh, and I'm going to be redoing the text/speech bubbles on the first one, since they are pretty much ILLEGIBLE !


Sunday, October 24, 2010

New chubby characters

there is something seriously wrong with me to keep drawing these weird little things, but eh, whatever I don't really care if I'm losing my mind. 
This is a silly gnome, that I absolutely adore, it would be cool to be a gnome, well maybe not an entire lifetime of it, how would you get things off top shelves at all, I have enough trouble with that as it is.
One of my friends dressing up as an orc for conventions and LARP and their orc family is all named after different nerdy swear words. I found this highly amusing so I had to draw it. 
I had started a sketch of this in my sketchbook some time ago and forgotten about it, so I finished it on some cheap watercolor paper, like the rest of these. I thought it was kind of fun, but eh now that I look at it again, I don't like it as much as the others. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Not impressed.

So here is some old stuff, from, actually earlier this year and late last year, I still like them, for the most part, but none of them or what I'm working on still feels right. 
Not impressed.
I just have to keep at it, but I guess it's good to keep old work around to keep you motivated and see where you've come from, or how much better you were, if you are that unlucky. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Comic strips or whatever......starfish

The story keeps changing so if I've told you what is going on in the story, it's not the same. I don't even really know what is going to happen at this point, probably should write it down somewhere. I am pretty worn out from midterms so I am not really aware of what is going on anyhow. Anyways, here are the character designs.
Oh, and to make matters even more fun, I'm going to be doing all of these in color, traditional watercolor style. Okay, so it isn't that much work, but I'm getting to be super lazy the closer to the end of the quarter I get. It really doesn't take me that much longer to color, but I thought I'd be able to skate by with just some simple inking, oh no, it's gots to be in color don't 'cha know. Alright, I am pretty psyched about this project, just putting up a whiney fuss to be contrary, not sure why, but I hope this turns out half way decent, and I can get across some slightly humorous gags for each strip. I'm not so good at the whole, write something up that is not only appealing to everyone but has good comedic timing as well as being funny. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Finished pieces, actually tweaked to work on the interwebs.....oh yeah, I have extra time.

Caricature and Midterm Madness

So it is 'midterm' week, which means I'm swamped with a boat load of work. Most of it is up already, but in unfinished states, I don't really have the patience to upload a lot of things at the end of the day (5am) but it is good to have breaks here and then so here is my break. Oh, and again pardon the cmyk to rgb mayhem.
sketch for Caricature assignment

Digital coloring piece, final
another Digital Coloring piece, kind of final...
my hand hurts.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Digital Processing....

So basically I figured it would be fun to show you some of my process that I use for digital, since a lot of people think I'm CRAAAZY to start my work digitally and finish it in the same way. I think it's fun, and when you are using a cintiq things are a lot easier. This piece I'm working on is for my digital coloring class, it is my free for all piece, since I didn't have any work that I deemed worthy enough at the moment to color from the past I whipped this up earlier today. The third image is totally too dark and is probably the result of converting the image to a jpeg for the web, also I worked on a mac, then a pc, but I'll hopefully be going back to work on it on a mac pronto. Hopefully the final piece will be deemed worthy, so I won't have to scramble tomorrow to re-do the entire piece. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

RGB = Loser part 2

Almost final version of the Halloween layout. Again, the internet has failed me and the colors are extremely saturated, but I'm too lazy to go in and change them so they will look good for the interwebs. Well, at least until I'm done with the project.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Digital coloring driving me crazy

Here is a doodle I turned into a piece for my midterm, obviously I am not done coloring it, but I was able to lay down the basic colors today in the make up class. Also, to answer your questions that I'm sure are coming, she is naked because she is underwater, I don't know if they wear any clothing since it is made up, and I don't know why, if she doesn't wear clothing wears a cape. Maybe she things it is intimidating, or uses it when it gets a bit chilly, who knows, it is just a drawing that looks fun.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I think it needs more details.....

So for one of my environment, props and structures assignments, the only thing I ended up keeping from the original piece was the last panel. Now, on to finish re-working this biznatch.
I was kind of happy with it, mostly because I got to draw a skeleton in the foreground.

Also, I've been doing a small library's worth of comic page coloring, here is the latest of a KING TIGER page, sorry I had to all caps that name, it is just too epic.
Isn't she a beauty to behold?


RGB = Loser

so here is work in progress of my Halloween spread. RGB MAKES EVERYTHING LOOK LAME.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Children's Spread a.k.a. Paper Toy & Puzzle Mayhem

Alright, so I am trying to make a paper toy for my children's magazine spread assignment, whatever you call it. I really want to do the Headless Horseman, since I have so many fond memories of that character as a child, but the zombie is really quite fun, and the Steve the Skeleton has a lot of potential.......
I'll have to decide quick, I'll probably end up with Herman the Headless Horseman. 

Oh and I'll leave you with this horribly corny Halloween joke (seriously today has been one corny joke or pun one right after the other)

Why are there fences around cemeteries?
Because everyone is dying to get in.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So, next project I got is for a children's magazine and or anything basically made to keep children entertained. Naturally I am super excited, there are so many good memories of old magazines like Highlights from my youth.

Anyhow I had two ideas for this assignment one is Greek Monsters, and the other Halloween. In both I am thinking to put a crossword puzzle, maze, a recipe, and a cut out paper toy craft. This will be so much fun.

Update: I'm doing the Halloween one, it would have a broader audience, though I really like Greek Monsters, that is a project for later.....

Mermaids and pirates continued, again.....

Not to happy with how the color came out, so I'll probably end up re-working it after I get it back. Like I always do it seems these days. I even tried getting it for a closer crop, but now it just looks super green, I think it may have gone into RGB, le sigh, oh well. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chubby Angel & Chubtastic Tentacles

So I was trying to come up with more ideas for a drawing for Aaron, and this is just a little one that I came up with as an idea, that I'll probably not follow through on. But it was just too cute to not post!

Then of course I can't just stop at that, so I drew this adorable octomer, whom I love.