Friday, January 28, 2011


I've noticed that every day before I begin drawing I play this video, I don't intentionally go to play the video I just find myself drawn to it. I don't particularly enjoy the video, don't get me wrong it's fun, but the song has been keeping my drive going. Weird, I know.
On the same note, I can't stop listening to the Odd Blood album by Yeasayer. It is perhaps not for everyone, but you aren't being forced to listen to it while I flail around with a pencil.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Carpal Tunnel and Mountains of Terror

So, this image may look quite miniscule, but, I've been working on this 8.5 by 42 inch piece for a while now. It took me a while to try and figure out what I wanted to put in/on the mountain so I got off to a slow start. Then we had our deadline bumped up, so I have been cramming to finish as much of it as I can. I am pretty sure I won't be able to finish it by the new deadline, so I'm going to plan, or keep to my original schedule, to finish it by Tuesday, and hopefully in color. Then, I was thinking, if I feel inclined to the idea, I'm going to attempt to make it into a mini comic or poster, which will take a lot more planning than it's probably worth. Another option is to attempt to silkscreen this sucker. I am getting ahead of myself, I still have to finish the damn thing, without my hand falling off, or me hacking it off with a dull xacto blade. 

Update, no one really enjoyed this piece, except for my roommate. I still want to finish it, maybe people will enjoy it more when they actually see the entire work in all it's shining glory. I just don't have the drive much anymore because of that disappointing moment in class when I realized everyone was felt "eh" about it. But, then again, I guess I will have to find something I do enjoy about it and focus on that, it seems that usually people tend to enjoy your work when you've found something about it that you love. 

Super egos, selective hearing & death.

So, in my last post I put up an image of Sopapilla, my crazy alter ego. Now here is plane jane old me, in all my frumpy glory. I've been playing around with how I use color, not much has changed, but I've been trying to make things look much softer while still keeping it simple as well as using my fair share of pastels (honestly, in my opinion, you can never use too many pastels) I tried to use the same color palette I used for Sopapilla, just making it more realistic, and after completing it I want to go in and change the color of my id's hair, not to mention that weird fox flying off into some weird direction. Now I can only hope that my daily journal will be interesting enough to contain such characters.

Also, it seems that I have acquired the most peculiar selective hearing. Now, normally selective hearing usually means you hear what you want to hear or you just pick up on the most absurd part of a conversation (well, at least that is what I have come to define it as), but I, somehow, have been hearing the craziest deadlines. Perhaps it is because I am not used to be fully functioning by 11 o'clock, but every time I have been given a deadline for a project in my Visual Storytelling 2 class I have heard it was due a class before it should be, now I even tried writing it down in my journal/planner/idea book, and even there it is written wrong. What is wrong with me? Who knows, I mean it isn't an entirely negative kind of problem, but it can start to get troublesome, especially when you have two other studio classes with projects all due around the same time. I'm almost positive that the amount of stress I have dealt with attending this school will shave at least 20 years off my life, at least it's worth it. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A lot of work in

Sopapilla, Warrior Princess

So I have a ton of work and haven't spent the time to scan or download the image files to my computer so this will be a relatively short post. About this crazy thing you see above the text is my interpretation of my alter ego. If you talk with me you've probably heard me tell some crazy story, then recant that I never actually did what I'd said previously, but wish I had. So, for our mini comics class we are going to be do a daily journal comic for two weeks and I couldn't think of a way to represent myself in that in a way that I'd enjoy drawing or wasn't too mundane. This is what I came up with, Sopapilla Warrior Princess. She basically can and does everything that my id usually tells me to do, but my 'super ego' ( can't seem to find if that is the right term for that or not ) stops me from doing. Hopefully this will turn out alright, also, hopefully it doesn't make me look like a complete jerk. ha ha.......ha

Now, this, was an in class assignment that we took home and colored. Being that, as I am told, I am a crazy person, I redrew the entire assignment into this masterpiece, haha. It's going to be a 1/8th page comic that takes a little bit of folding to turn into a mini comic. Hopefully my classmates will enjoy this silly little comic, plus I've got it done early so I can mess up the printing process and still have it ready for the due date! I've just become so efficient with the passing of years, of course I'm saying this while procrastinating on one of my numerous projects. 

Here is a tutorial on how to put this damn thing together, and how to make one if you are daring enough to try on your own.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week 2, Done.

So, now that I spent the entire weekend destroying my hands with multiple hours of paper cutting, I have finished two assignments, neither of which I'm entirely proud of, but can live with. I wish I could get a better photo of my Arachne piece, but I have never been very good with cameras, hopefully I can get my piece to school tomorrow so someone can photograph it, I might have a better image to put up. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Some finished work.

Just some stuff that is done, it really isn't much or very impressive but I thought it was fun at least. Zeus, Ladies Man, was an in class assignment for making a circular comic that can be read from any point and the story should be understandable, I don't really think I achieved that, but I liked the subject so I don't really care, plus it was just an exercise. The two images at the bottom are of my classes first mini comic for mini comics class as well as mine. It wasn't very impressive, but then it was just a bunch of collected works with a nice paper cover, but I am a little too excited about being in the mini comics class so I thought I'd share. Below is a plot layout and character design for my next assignment in Alternative/Experimental comics, it's in cut paper and is already killing my hand, but, it is totally worth all the pain. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Quarter

New Quarter, new projects, new psychosis, and a new meatless school diet, oh so fun. Let's see if I can survive through this quarter before even thinking about how I'm supposed to graduate at the end of Spring quarter [which is only a few months away]. 
Oh, yeah, these drawings are for Mini comics, the first is my "Publishing" logo, and the bottom two are my quarter manifestos. I really didn't know what to make of those so I just put some random rambles and doodles all over it. Jesus, I need to improve like crazy and fast too.