Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A lot of work in the....works.

Sopapilla, Warrior Princess

So I have a ton of work and haven't spent the time to scan or download the image files to my computer so this will be a relatively short post. About this crazy thing you see above the text is my interpretation of my alter ego. If you talk with me you've probably heard me tell some crazy story, then recant that I never actually did what I'd said previously, but wish I had. So, for our mini comics class we are going to be do a daily journal comic for two weeks and I couldn't think of a way to represent myself in that in a way that I'd enjoy drawing or wasn't too mundane. This is what I came up with, Sopapilla Warrior Princess. She basically can and does everything that my id usually tells me to do, but my 'super ego' ( can't seem to find if that is the right term for that or not ) stops me from doing. Hopefully this will turn out alright, also, hopefully it doesn't make me look like a complete jerk. ha ha.......ha

Now, this, was an in class assignment that we took home and colored. Being that, as I am told, I am a crazy person, I redrew the entire assignment into this masterpiece, haha. It's going to be a 1/8th page comic that takes a little bit of folding to turn into a mini comic. Hopefully my classmates will enjoy this silly little comic, plus I've got it done early so I can mess up the printing process and still have it ready for the due date! I've just become so efficient with the passing of years, of course I'm saying this while procrastinating on one of my numerous projects. 

Here is a tutorial on how to put this damn thing together, and how to make one if you are daring enough to try on your own.


Alexandra said...


Sofi said...

It is a gift.