Monday, September 27, 2010

Mermaids & Pirates continued, plus some sea monster goodness.

Okay, so I finished the interior spot illustration for the restaurant guide project, I'm pretty happy with it, though knowing me, it may very well change before wednesday. The cover is in the inking stages, but it isn't finished, I definitely need to work out some other issues with it, and rework it. But progress is progress. 

So, I was looking through my images on my computer, and found this lovely gem that I had taken with my phone.

So I was thinking of making a crazy mini-comic about sea monsters, pirates and some kind of dirigible ship. Totally up my alley, now to find the time, what am I saying, there is always time for crazy things like this. Also I promised Aaron I'd draw him something related to the sky, which is definitely not my forte, I am very much a water person. So hopefully this will help inspire me a bit, and help me to work in  sea flare into my work. 

Here is some random goodness, Bubbie terrorizing some poor innocent victim doll. Isn't she adorable?

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