Saturday, September 25, 2010

More mermaids, pirates, and a banana suit

So for the restaurant guide project we have to simply draw something relating to restaurants. For some reason I had to draw a mermaid and a pirate out on a date, and this is what I've come up with so far. Later this weekend I should be posting up the final ink before I go to color for Wednesday. 

This is a sketch for another project, that's due Tuesday. We all got the same basic script of someone exiting a building, showing as much establishing shots as possible ( to show off your perspective drawing skills ) then a person in a banana suit comes running towards the first character waving flyers. So, since my roommate and I have been a bit obsessed with Agatha Christi's Poirot, I decided to make this project a little more fun and have the main character be the one and only, Hercule Poirot. By the way, this is only a thumbnail.

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